We applaud the Goop Lab with Gwyneth Paltrow for a frank discussion on pleasure, female orgasm and identification of the proper terms for female genitalia.
Topic: Orgasm
I stayed relaxed, he went slowly through my orgasm as I reached out to his fingertip…
Stroking my clitoris became a way for me to explore and learn about my body, what I like, my preferences and how my preferences change at different times…
The orgasm in Susan’s body seemed to be reverberating throughout the room. Visually, I was amazed by the changing colors…
My ah-ha flash moment came to me in a Deliberate Orgasm date, that I had shortly after the Women’s March.
Recently, I have had experiences when getting DOne that have expanded my mind…
I am doing my best to be present in my body and my sensations and feelings …
After watching Rebecca, it is clear how sensual exploration can build energy and enhance the pleasure of living.