From behind a camera filming instructors teaching, what was to become a paradigm shift for menopause developed simply and without fanfare.
Stroking my clitoris became a way for me to explore and learn about my body, what I like, my preferences and how my preferences change at different times…
I was surprised at how fuzzy my knowledge on the topic of human hormones is. Yet I have so readily agreed with the stereotypes and stigma society tosses out about menopausal women.
Me, a chauvinist? What? I’m a nice guy. I’ve always been a friend to women. I’ve never hurt a woman in my life.
People can procrastinate about many things, but especially pleasure. So start a new habit – increase your capacity for pleasure in life – Take the 30 Day Challenge!
Where did I get the beliefs I have about menopause? Until I was experiencing it myself I didn’t realize I had such firmly held viewpoints on the subject.
I experienced the perfection of menopause, the perfection of being a woman. In the afterglow of telling the truth, I felt like celebrating midlife.
The orgasm in Susan’s body seemed to be reverberating throughout the room. Visually, I was amazed by the changing colors…