A 3 Minute Orgasm Part 1: Introducing Deliberate Orgasm (Online Video)


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What is orgasm? How do you define orgasm?
How do you reliably create orgasm in a woman's body every time and anytime?

Here are the first steps to having better orgasm in just three minutes.

In this video instructors answer those questions and provide a way for partners to have more fun, lifting the anxiety of performance-based sex. The basic technique of Deliberate Orgasm is demonstrated showing that 3-minutes of deliberate attention on each other sets the foundation for enjoyment. With pleasurable sensation as the goal, instructors show how good feelings are all that is required to begin.

Woman in Orgasm: Susan, Welcomed Consensus Instructor
Running Time: 18 Minutes
Bonus Material: Q & A with Instructors
Closed captions available in English, French, Japanese and Brazilian Portuguese
Welcomed Consensus Productions


A 3 Minute Orgasm Part 1: Introducing Deliberate Orgasm (Online Video)

Contemporary research is greatly enhancing the sensual pleasure available to women. Applying this research, A 3 Minute Orgasm Part 1 introduces the fundamentals of expanding a woman’s orgasm. Both men and women can learn regardless of previous experience or proficiency. The explicit demonstration clearly addresses common questions. For example, What is orgasm? How do you reliably create an orgasm in a woman’s body every time and anytime?

People using the 3 minute format can lift the anxiety of performance-based sex. In this video instructors provide a way for partners to easily have more fun in the bedroom. Instructors also show how good feelings are all that is required to begin when pleasurable sensation is the goal.

What people are saying:

“Very useful [instructional Deliberate Orgasm videos], with excellent explanations and clear demonstration of the technique to make a woman satisfied. Seems deceptively easy but requires practice (as does most activities) to get the best results. Clearly the practitioners in the video are experts.” –-I.W.

“This was an excellent DVD that was informative without all the frills or sensationalism. Very much appreciated because it was not that. My partner really enjoys what I learned and I hope to improve on my ability. I would recommend this to EVERY MALE and FEMALE. Glad I purchased this DVD.” –S.

“Bravo for being very candid about exactly what sets the “foundation” for the rest of your sex. We men are often absorbed in our own pleasure and not nearly focused enough on our partner’s needs…” –J.A.

“The first video also gives an interesting redefinition of the word orgasm, which focuses not on the climax, but the idea of stimulation to achieve any kind of sexual pleasure. Adjusting the definition is a helpful idea, if only to take the stress off climax and allow women to enjoy non-orgasmic sexual pleasure.” –M.S.